Variables Shared by Hardmath123
('make new variable' #- #addGlobalVariable)
no code needed
What it does:
Creates a new variable! Shared by Pecola1
('move %v to x: %n y: %n' #- #positionVar:atX:y: '' 0 0)
positionVar: t1 atX: t2 y: t3 | t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 | (self varNames includes: t1) ifFalse: [^ self]. t4 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph. t4 ifNil: [(t5 _ self ownerThatIsA: OffscreenWorldMorph) ifNil: [^ self]. t4 _ t5 frame]. t6 _ VariableBlockMorph new commandSpec: t1; receiver: self blockReceiver. (t5 _ t4 watcherForBlock: t6) ifNil: [^ self]. t7 _ t2. t7 isNaN ifTrue: [t7 _ 0]. t7 > 240 ifTrue: [t7 _ 240]. t7 < (-240 - t5 extent x) ifTrue: [t7 _ -240 - t5 extent x]. t8 _ t3. t8 isNaN ifTrue: [t8 _ 0]. t8 < -180 ifTrue: [t8 _ -180]. t8 > (180 + t5 extent y) ifTrue: [t8 _ 180 + t5 extent y]. t9 _ t7 @ t8 negated. t5 position: ScratchOrigin + t9
Code 2:
moveVar: t1 toX: t2 y: t3
| t4 |
positionVar: t1
atX: t2
y: t3.
t4 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph.
t4 ~= self
ifTrue: [t4
positionVar: t1
atX: t2
y: t3]
What it does:
Changes the position of a variable watcher on the Stage. Shared by Hardmath123
('NewList' #- #addGlobalList)
No code needed.
What it does:
Opens the new list dialog. Shared by Hardmath123
('Add local list named %s' #- #createListNamed:)
No code needed.
What it does:
Creates a local list (for this sprite only) named the specified name. Shared by Hardmath123
('Add global list named %s' #- #GLN: #MyList)
GLN: t2
| t1 |
(t1 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph) ifNil: [^ self beep].
t2 size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
t1 workPane createListNamed: t2.
t1 viewerPane categoryChanged: 'variables'
What it does:
Creates a global list (for all sprites) named the specified name. Shared by Hardmath123
('set the list blocks color to %c' #- #setListBlockColorSelf:)
Code: (place under sensing ops)
setListBlockColorSelf: t1
ListBlockColor _ t1
What it does:
Changes the color for the list blocks. Shared by Greenatic, improved by LS97 and Baderous
('import fonts to list %L' #- #FontstoList: 'list')
FontstoList: t1
| t2 |
t2 _ UnicodePlugin getFontList.
t2 do: [:t3 | self append: t3 toList: t1]
Scratch-Objects > Scriptable Scratch Morph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#FontstoList: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 1 ifTrue: [t2 at: 1 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Adds all the fonts on your computer to a list. Shared by Greenatic
('%Y of %L' #r #Math:List: 'mean' 'list')
Math: t1 List: t2 | max min line sum t3 t4 a | t1 = 'maximum' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. max _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. line _ 2. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError - 1 timesRepeat: [(self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError > max ifTrue: [max _ (self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. line _ line + 1]. ^ max]. t1 = 'minimum' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. min _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. line _ 2. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError - 1 timesRepeat: [(self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError < min ifTrue: [min _ (self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. line _ line + 1]. ^ min]. t1 = 'mean' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ self getLine: 1 ofList: t2]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. t3 _ 2. sum _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. (self lineCountOfList: t2) - 1 timesRepeat: [sum _ sum + (self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ sum / (self lineCountOfList: t2)]. t1 = 'range' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. max _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. line _ 2. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError - 1 timesRepeat: [(self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError > max ifTrue: [max _ (self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. line _ line + 1]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. min _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. line _ 2. (self lineCountOfList: t2) asNumberNoError - 1 timesRepeat: [(self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError < min ifTrue: [min _ (self getLine: line ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. line _ line + 1]. ^ max - min]. t1 = 'median' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. t3 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t4 _ 1. (self lineCountOfList: t2) timesRepeat: [t3 add: (self getLine: t4 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t4 _ t4 + 1]. t3 _ t3 asArray sort. t3 _ t3 asOrderedCollection. [t3 size > 2] whileTrue: [t3 removeAt: 1. t3 removeAt: t3 size]. t3 size = 1 ifTrue: [^ t3 at: 1]. ^ (t3 at: 1) + (t3 at: 2) / 2]. t1 = 'sum' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. t3 _ 2. a _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. (self lineCountOfList: t2) - 1 timesRepeat: [a _ a + (self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ a]. t1 = 'difference' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. t3 _ 2. a _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. (self lineCountOfList: t2) - 1 timesRepeat: [a _ a - (self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ a]. t1 = 'product' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. t3 _ 2. a _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. (self lineCountOfList: t2) - 1 timesRepeat: [a _ a * (self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ a]. t1 = 'quotient' ifTrue:[ (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0]. (self lineCountOfList: t2) = 1 ifTrue: [^ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError]. t3 _ 2. a _ (self getLine: 1 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. (self lineCountOfList: t2) - 1 timesRepeat: [a _ a / (self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) asNumberNoError. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ a].
ScriptableScratchMorph > list ops
^ #('mean' 'median' #- 'maximum' 'minimum' 'range' #- 'sum' 'difference' 'product' 'quotient' )
Scratch-Blocks> CommandBlockMorph> private> uncoloredArgMorphFor: add:
$Y = t2 ifTrue: [^ ChoiceOrExpressionArgMorph new getOptionsSelector: #listMath;
choice: 'mean'].
Scratch-Objects > Scriptable Scratch Morph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#Math:List: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 2 ifTrue: [t2 at: 1 put: (t2 at: 1) localized.
t2 at: 2 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Performs operations on a list and reports the result. Shared by Greenatic
('add items %n to %n of %L to %L' #- #First:Last:From:To: '1' '3' 'list' 'list')
First: t1 Last: t2 From: t3 To: t4 | t5 t6 | t1 isInf ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 isNaN ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 isInf ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 isNaN ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 = t1 rounded ifFalse: [^ self]. t2 = t2 rounded ifFalse: [^ self]. t1 < 1 ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 < 1 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 > (self lineCountOfList: t3) ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 > (self lineCountOfList: t3) ifTrue: [^ self]. t5 _ t1. (t2 - t1) abs + 1 timesRepeat: [self append: (self getLine: t5 ofList: t3) toList: t4. t6 _ false. t2 > t1 ifTrue: [t5 _ t5 + 1. t6 _ true]. t6 = false ifTrue: [t5 _ t5 - 1]]
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#First:Last:From:To: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 4
[t2 at: 1 put: (t2 at: 1) localized.
t2 at: 2 put: (t2 at: 2) localized.
t2 at: 3 put: self defaultListName.
t2 at: 4 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Adds some items from one list to another. Shared by Greenatic
('sort items of %L by numerical value' #- #NumberSort: 'list')
NumberSort: t1 | t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 | t2 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t3 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t4 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t6 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t5 _ 1. (self lineCountOfList: t1) timesRepeat: [t2 add: (self getLine: t5 ofList: t1). t5 _ t5 + 1]. t2 do: [:t7 | t3 add: t7 asNumberNoError. t7 asNumberNoError = 0 ifTrue: [t4 add: t7]]. t3 _ t3 asArray sort. t3 _ t3 asOrderedCollection. t5 _ 1. t3 do: [:t8 | t8 = 0 ifFalse: [t6 add: t8]. t8 = 0 ifTrue: [t6 add: (t4 at: t5). t5 _ t5 + 1]]. self deleteLine: 'all' ofList: t1. t6 do: [:t9 | self append: t9 toList: t1]
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#NumberSort: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 1 ifTrue: [t2 at: 1 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Interprets the items of a list as numbers and sorts them. (A string counts as 0). Shared by Greenatic
('sort items of %L by string value' #- #StringSort: 'list')
SringSort: t1 | t2 t3 | (self lineCountOfList: t1) = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. (self lineCountOfList: t1) = 1 ifTrue: [^ self]. t2 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t3 _ 1. (self lineCountOfList: t1) timesRepeat: [t2 add: (self getLine: t3 ofList: t1). t3 _ t3 + 1]. t2 _ t2 asArray sort. self deleteLine: 'all' ofList: t1. t2 do: [:t4 | self append: t4 toList: t1]
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#StringSort: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 1 ifTrue: [t2 at: 1 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Interprets the items of a list as strings and sorts them. Shared by Greenatic
('first index of %s in %L' #r #IndexOf:List: '' 'list')
IndexOf: t1 List: t2 | t3 | t3 _ 1. (self lineCountOfList: t2) timesRepeat: [(self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) = t1 ifTrue: [^ t3]. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ 0
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#IndexOf:List: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 2
[t2 at: 1 put: (t2 at: 1) localized.
t2 at: 2 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Reports the first index of the argument in the list, and reports 0 if the item is not in the list. Shared by Greenatic
('times %s appears in %L' #r #Times:List: '' 'list')
Times: t1 List: t2 | t3 t4 | t3 _ 1. t4 _ 0. (self lineCountOfList: t2) timesRepeat: [(self getLine: t3 ofList: t2) = t1 ifTrue: [t4 _ t4 + 1]. t3 _ t3 + 1]. ^ t4
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#Times:List: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 2
[t2 at: 1 put: (t2 at: 1) localized.
t2 at: 2 put: self defaultListName]].
What it does:
Reports the number of times the argument is in the list. Shared by Greenatic
('mode(s) of %L, spacer %s' #r #ModeOf:Spacer: 'list' ',')
ModeOf: t1 Spacer: t2 | t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 | (self lineCountOfList: t1) = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. (self lineCountOfList: t1) = 1 ifTrue: [^ nil]. t3 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t4 _ #() asOrderedCollection. t5 _ 0. (self lineCountOfList: t1) timesRepeat: [t6 _ 1. t7 _ false. t5 _ t5 + 1. (t3 includes: (self getLine: t5 ofList: t1) asNumberNoError) ifFalse: [t3 add: (self getLine: t5 ofList: t1) asNumberNoError. t4 add: 1. t7 _ true]. t7 = false ifTrue: [[(t3 at: t6) = (self getLine: t5 ofList: t1) asNumberNoError] whileFalse: [t6 _ t6 + 1]. t4 _ t4 asArray. t4 at: t6 put: (t4 at: t6) + 1. t4 _ t4 asOrderedCollection]]. t5 _ 1. t6 _ 1. t4 size timesRepeat: [(t4 at: t5) > t6 ifTrue: [t6 _ t4 at: t5]. t5 _ t5 + 1]. t6 = 1 ifTrue: [^ nil]. t5 _ 1. t4 size timesRepeat: [t7 _ false. (t4 at: t5) < t6 ifTrue: [t3 removeAt: t5. t4 removeAt: t5. t7 _ true]. t7 = false ifTrue: [t5 _ t5 + 1]]. t3 size = 1 ifTrue: [^ t3 at: 1]. t5 _ 2. t3 _ t3 asArray sort. t3 _ t3 asOrderedCollection. t6 _ (t3 at: 1) asString. t3 size - 1 timesRepeat: [t6 _ t6 , t2. t6 _ t6 , (t3 at: t5) asString. t5 _ t5 + 1]. ^ t6
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph > blocks > defaultArgsFor:
Add right before the last line ( ^ t2 ):
#ModeOf:Spacer: = t4
ifTrue: [t2 size >= 2
[t2 at: 1 put: self defaultListName.
t2 at: 2 put: (t2 at: 2) localized]].
What it does:
Reports the mode of the list. If there is more than one, it reports them as a single string with the modes separated by the spacer value.
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Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-12-17 14:53:13)