Motion Shared by MarioBlender
('make %m move %n steps' #- #move:forward:)
move: sprite forward: distance
sprite forward: distance
What this block does:
Lets a sprite move another sprite without having to use a broadcast! Shared by MathWizz
('if touching %m bounce' #- #bounceOffSprite:)
bounceOffSprite: aName
| sprite oldDir |
sprite _ self coerceSpriteArg: aName.
(self touching: sprite)
ifFalse: [^ self].
oldDir _ self heading.
self pointTowards: sprite.
self turnRight: self heading - oldDir + 180.
[self touching: sprite]
whileTrue: [self forward: 1]
What this block does:
Causes the sprite to bounce off the selected sprite if touching it. (Assumes the sprite is a circle.) Shared by jslomba
('if %b bounce' #- #bounceIfBoolean:)
bnceIfBoolean: condition
condition ifTrue: [self turnRight: 180]
What this block does:
Causes the sprite to bounce if the condition is true. Shared by Pecola1
('set rotation style to %r' #- #rotationStyle:)
No code needed
Scratch objects> ScratchSpriteMorph>motion ops
^ #('normal' 'leftRight' 'none' )
Scratch-Blocks> CommandBlockMorph>> -- all -- > uncoleredArgMorphFor:
add the strip...
$r = t2 ifTrue: [^ ChoiceArgMorph new getOptionsSelector: #rotationStyleChanger;
choice: 'normal'].
What this block does:
Allows you to change the rotation style of a sprite. Shared by Pecola1
('rotation style' #r #rotationStyle)
^ rotationStyle
What this block does:
Reports a sprite's rotation style. Shared by StrykerV
('point at x:%n y:%n' #- #pointToX:y:)
No code needed
What this block does:
Points the sprite at the specified region of the stage. Shared by Hardmath123
('go to random x-y position' #- #randxypos)
randxypos self gotoX: (self randomFrom: -240 to: 240) y: (self randomFrom: -180 to: 180)
Shared by Hardmath123 and made with Scramble
('Arrow key move with speed %n ' #- #arrowMove:)
arrowMove: i1
"Made using Scramble by Hardmath123"
| t4 t3 t2 t1|
t1_ 'up arrow'.
t2_ 'down arrow'.
t3_ 'left arrow'.
t4_ 'right arrow'.
t1_ self keyPressed:t1.
t2_ self keyPressed:t2.
t3_ self keyPressed:t3.
t4_ self keyPressed:t4.
t1 ifTrue: [
self gotoX: self xpos y: (i1+ self ypos).
t2 ifTrue: [
t2_i1 * -1.
self gotoX: self xpos y: (t2+ self ypos).
t3 ifTrue: [
t3_i1 * -1.
self gotoX: (t3+self xpos) y: self ypos.
t4 ifTrue: [
self gotoX: (i1+self xpos) y: self ypos.
What this block does:
Move around using the arrow keys at the specified speed. Shared by SSSS
('draggable?' #b #draggable)
no code needed
What this block does:
Reports whether or not the sprite is draggable. Shared by Greenatic
('go %n% of the way to x: %n y: %n' #- #Distance:X:Y:)
Distance: t1 X: t2 Y: t3
| newX newY |
newX _ t1 * 0.01 * (t2 - self xpos).
newY _ t1 * 0.01 * (t3 - self ypos).
self gotoX: newX + self xpos y: newY + self ypos
What this block does:
Moved a percentage of the distance to a spot. Shared by Greenatic
('go %n % of the way to %m' #- #Distance:Sprite:)
Distance: t1 Sprite: t2
| t3 t4 newX newY |
t2 = #mouse
[newX _ self mouseX * (t1 * 0.01).
newY _ self mouseY * (t1 * 0.01).
self gotoX: newX + self xpos y: newY + self ypos].
[t3 _ self coerceSpriteArg: t2.
t4 _ t3 referencePosition.
newX _ t4 x * (t1 * 0.01).
newY _ t4 y * (t1 * 0.01).
self gotoX: newX + self xpos y: newY + self ypos]
What this block does:
Moved a percentage of the distance to a spot. Shared by Greenatic and jslomba
('go in between x: %n y: %n and x: %n y: %n' #- #betweenX:Y:X:Y:)
betweenX: t1 Y: t2 X: t3 Y: t4
| newX newY |
newX_ (t1 + t3) / 2.
newY_ (t2 + t4) / 2.
self referencePosition: newX @ newY
What this block does:
Goes to the middle location between two specified locations. Shared by Greenatic, improved by Scimonster
('make %m draggable' #- #MakeDraggable:)
MakeDraggable: t1
t1 draggable: false
What this block does:
Makes the sprite put in the dropdown menu draggable. Shared by Greenatic, improved by Scimonster
('make %m undraggable' #- #MakeUndraggable:)
MakeUndraggable: t1
t1 draggable: false
What this block does:
Makes the sprite put in the dropdown menu un-draggable.
For these 2 blocks, go to Scratch-Blocks >> SpriteArgMorph >> other >> presentMenu, and paste in the following code:
presentMenu | t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 | (t1 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph) ifNil: [^ self]. (owner isKindOf: CommandBlockMorph) ifTrue: [t2 _ owner selector]. t3 _ t1 scratchObjects. t3 sort: [:t6 :t7 | t6 objName asLowercase < t7 objName asLowercase]. t4 _ CustomMenu new. t2 = #getAttribute:of: ifTrue: [t4 add: 'Stage' localized asUTF8 action: t1 workPane] ifFalse: [(t2 = #MakeUndraggable: | t2 = #MakeDraggable:) ifFalse: [t4 add: 'mouse-pointer' localized asUTF8 action: #mouse. t2 = #touching: ifTrue: [t4 add: 'edge' localized asUTF8 action: #edge]. t3 _ t3 copyWithout: owner receiver]]. t3 size > 0 ifTrue: [t4 addLine]. t3 do: [:t8 | t4 add: t8 objName action: t8]. (t5 _ t4 startUp) ifNil: [^ self]. morph _ t5. self fixGetAttribueBlock. self updateLabel
This removes "mouse-pointer" from the menu. Shared by Greenatic
('make me draggable' #- #MakeDraggable)
draggable _ true
What this block does:
Makes the sprite draggable. Shared by Greenatic
('make me undraggable' #- #MakeUndraggable)
draggable _ false
What this block does:
Makes the sprite un-draggable. Shared by Greenatic
('move %n steps towards %m' #- #Move:Towards:)
Move: t1 Towards: t2 | t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 | t2 = #mouse ifFalse: [t3 _ t2 xpos @ t2 ypos - self referencePosition]. t2 = #mouse ifTrue: [t3 _ self mouseX rounded @ self mouseY - self referencePosition]. t4 _ t3 x abs < 0.001 ifTrue: [t3 y < 0 ifTrue: [90] ifFalse: [270]] ifFalse: [((t3 x >= 0 ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [180]) - ((t3 y / t3 x) arcTan * 57.2957795131)) rounded]. t5 _ t4 degreesToRadians. t6 _ t5 cos @ t5 sin * t1. t7 _ self position + t6. t8 _ t7 x. t9 _ t7 y. t8 isNaN ifTrue: [t8 _ 0]. t8 isInf ifTrue: [t8 _ t8 sign * 10000]. t9 isNaN ifTrue: [t9 _ 0]. t9 isInf ifTrue: [t9 _ t9 sign * 10000]. self position: t8 @ t9. self keepOnScreen
What this block does:
Moves toward a sprite. An advantage over this script is that the direction can be used for something else.
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Last edited by YourLocalBlockLib (2011-09-09 05:14:11)